
Showing posts from January, 2022

Your Symphony of Health

Have you ever heard a symphony in person? When I was a little girl, I loved sitting on the couch with my father listening to classical music.  “What’s the oboe playing?  What instrument is playing now?”  He would have me tap on his arm the rhythm of different instruments teaching me to hear them.  Isn’t it amazing how 5 different sections of instruments, with multiple musicians in each section, can all work as members of a team and create harmonious soothing sound?   Each musician is focused on his own contribution, yet everyone’s skills are completely balanced and united! The master composer, who created our bodies, created individual symphonic masterpieces, with each coded and stored in our genes.   Our body follows an outline, the ‘sheet music’  so to speak, that allows our body  to perform in total harmony . There are 5 sections or systems in our body’s symphony too:  Circulatory - Immune – Digestion – Endocrine – Respiratory....