Whole Foods or Chemical Isolates? What’s in Your Cupboard?
Whole Foods or Chemical Isolates? What’s in Your Cupboard? Your choice affects your health and your wealth! Many of us are already investing in our health by shopping at a health food store or farmer’s market. We believe we’re buying quality vitamins and health supplements. But are we? Could these also be substitutes that are weakening our health? Millions of people around the world are choosing to get their vitamins from whole foods. Why do they choose to eat an orange rather than 1,000 mg of Vitamin C? Because they know that most bottled vitamins are chemical isolates. What is a chemical isolate? It is a single element that had been isolated from its natural complex environment. Dr. Wayne Dyer was a member of the World Hunger Council and shared that this organization created a chemically manufactured wheat. Under a microscope, their laboratory creation is chemically identical to real wheat. BUT there’s a big difference: when put in the g...